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  • Assertiveness
    Assertiveness is considered an important communication skill that relates to respect for personal rights and boundaries with the intention to establish healthy and lasting relationships.

    • What’s Stopping You From Becoming Assertive?
      There is a huge difference between being assertive and being aggressive. Being assertive is a way of living where you get the most out of life without other people telling you how to do it.

    • Assertiveness in the Work Place
      Assertiveness should not be confused with aggressiveness. A fine line divides these two behaviors. Being aggressive means selfishly pushing for what you want at the expense of other people.

    • Assertiveness at Home
      Assertiveness has its place at home, as well as, in any other place. Wherever humans gather, there will always be a need for well-placed assertiveness. Just as there is a need for boundaries in the workplace, so there is also a need for boundaries at home.

    • Teach Your Children to Be Assertive
      Keep in mind that teaching them to be assertive is not the same thing as teaching them to be aggressive or obnoxious. It does not mean teaching them to go on the offensive.

    • Assertiveness Training for the Non-Assertive
      We will concentrate on assertiveness training that will help you in your career and other types of social encounters. Non-assertive people encounter many difficulties when it comes to their business or careers.

      • Preparation is the key
        Preparation means being aware of the particular situation that needs attention, knowing the person you need to talk to, and having an understanding of the message that you want to communicate.

      • Assertiveness In Times of Conflict
        Another example of using assertiveness effectively is in the area of conflict and problem solving. This often happens in the office, since you are dealing with so many diverse personalities.

      • Assertiveness In Dealing With Negative People
        Assertiveness will also help you deal with the people who constantly put you down. Instead of dealing with a problem and coming up with a resolution, they opt to insult and hurt your feelings.

    • How to Assertively Ask for a Raise
      One of the ways that assertiveness can help you is when it comes to asking for a raise. Almost everyone is nervous and unsure about how to approach the boss in this situation.

    • Questions and Answers including to Assertiveness
      Questions and Answers including to Assertiveness: What if I do become more assertive and I use what I have learned in my relationships, in my office work, or with friends; I even learned to say “no”. What if people get angry with me?

  • Abundance

    • Financial Abundance
      Abundance to them means a large house, complete with expensive furnishings, a fancy car, maybe a vacation home and a boat. Financial abundance might mean the ability to travel often, to be a part of what used to be known as the ‘jet set.’

    • Mental Abundance
      It’s very important to develop an abundance mentality. There really are enough resources out there for everyone. There will always be enough out there to help you achieve your ultimate goal and still leave plenty for others as well.

    • Emotional Abundance
      When it comes to money, for example, it’s not really about what money you have, or wish you had, it’s really more about how you feel about the money. Prosperity is a real hot button issue for many of us.

    • Abundant Physical Health
      Abundant health affects more than just your body. Without good physical health, the rest of you is affected as well. Your mind, your spirit, your emotional health, everything about you, everything that makes you you comes under the gun.

    • Spiritual Abundance
      That’s pretty darn spiritual. We have a certain responsibility to our families, our society, our community, and our world. Joseph Campbell said, “What we are seeking is…the rapture of being alive.”

    • Abundant Dreams
      This is the journey to discover your dreams, your goals, and your plans for what you really want out of life. Robert Browning told us, “Our aspirations are our possibilities.” So, what are your spirations? What are your dreams in life? Until you discover what that is and take the necessary action, your life will be out of alignment.

    • Lesson from Acres of Diamonds
      This story was told by Mr. Conwell more than 6,000 times between the years of 1877 and 1925. Upon publication, it became an immediate bestseller and a classic in inspirational literature. The story is about a Persian farmer named Ali Hafed, who sold his farm and left his family to travel the world in search of wealth.

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